Real Talk

Welcome to the honest, difficult and sometimes uncomfortable topics. Why do certain things get on our last nerve? And how do we have tough conversations with people who can’t relate? These blog posts will explore the challenges we 20-somethings face, as we start to unpick the way we see the world. as we start to unpick the way we see the world.

Expectations vs Reality, The Marriage Edition.

IT’S CHRISTMASSSSSSS … … which can only mean one thing: “When are you getting married then?” Tis’ the season where family members venture from far and wide to ask questions that – like low rise jeans – should’ve been left in the…

The ‘M’ Word.

Navigating your twenties is heavily dependent on the ‘M’ word. Nope, not mash potato (unfortunately), but money. Whether it’s travelling, buying a house, having children or doing whatever you want to do, it all comes down to dolla dolla bills yo! So…

Redundancy – Real Talk

My job role has been made redundant (cheers COVID). When I started this blog, redundancy wasn’t something I imagined writing about. It’s one of those things I thought only happened to adulty-adults – not people in their 20’s who are new to…

The Lowdown on Lockdown Lows.

Today I broke my soap dish and had a full on meltdown. I opened the bathroom cupboard, my makeup bag fell out and knocked the soap dish onto the floor, smashing it to pieces. And apparently, that’s enough to warrant becoming an…

Let’s start with the imposter syndrome.

This week, one of my best 20-something friends confessed to our friendship group that she’s looking for a new job in a different industry. Our instant responses were: “Amazing!” “How exciting gurrrlll!” “Yasss queen, you’ll be amazing at that!” (we’re a bit…

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