
A gorgeous girlies* guide to your 1st solo trip

I’m not quite sure when I decided that I wanted to do a solo trip. I think it’s one of those things that’s always bubbled beneath the surface. Can I? Should I? Shall I? I’ve followed packslight for a while and have made a few new mates in recent years who love a solo venture…

Expectations vs Reality, The Marriage Edition.

IT’S CHRISTMASSSSSSS … … which can only mean one thing: “When are you getting married then?” Tis’ the season where family members venture from far and wide to ask questions that – like low rise jeans – should’ve been left in the noughties. I’ve been in a relationship for 8 years (!!!), so marriage seems…

She back.

Oh don’t mind me just blog writing again after 9 MONTHS! And of course, Tayce is here to provide the perfect meme… In all seriousness, SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED in the last 9 months. Since I’ve been gone* I made some monumental career decisions, turned 27, started volunteering at a refugee centre and had a…

The ‘M’ Word.

Navigating your twenties is heavily dependent on the ‘M’ word. Nope, not mash potato (unfortunately), but money. Whether it’s travelling, buying a house, having children or doing whatever you want to do, it all comes down to dolla dolla bills yo! So why is it such a taboo topic? Wages and pay rises, bonuses and…

Redundancy – Real Talk

My job role has been made redundant (cheers COVID). When I started this blog, redundancy wasn’t something I imagined writing about. It’s one of those things I thought only happened to adulty-adults – not people in their 20’s who are new to the working world. But all it took was a global pandemic and here…

Introducing… The 30 Before 30 Bucket List.

Ever since I can remember, I wanted to travel to Australia. When I was younger, my grandparents went to Sydney for a family wedding and came back with stories of kangaroos, the outback & Uluru (Ayers Rock). They told tales, shared photographs and kept in close contact with the Pragnells – our family who emigrated…

The BLM Movement from the Perspective of a Mixed-race Female.

Out of all of my posts so far, this has been the most difficult to write – which is precisely why it needed to be written. As a mixed-race female living in the UK, yesterday was incredibly poignant. I started this honest blog to address EVERYTHING that happens in your 20s. So with #BlackoutTuesday sparking…

The Commuting Chronicles #2.

The Wardrobe Malfunction So I’m throwing it back to some time last year. It was one of those rare weeks in the summer when the sun is consistently hot for 7 days and Brits tend to fall into one of two categories: 1. Those who insist that they’re melting, complain that “it’s a bit too…


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