She back.

She back.

Oh don’t mind me just blog writing again after 9 MONTHS! And of course, Tayce is here to provide the perfect meme…

In all seriousness, SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED in the last 9 months. Since I’ve been gone* I made some monumental career decisions, turned 27, started volunteering at a refugee centre and had a passport mare (if you know, you know). So now that I have more time to write again, I’m giving this blog another go – cause you guys actually seem to enjoy it. Honestly, all the people who have messaged asking where I’ve been at – I love ya. And to those who haven’t, please refer to the Tayce quote above.

*Shoutout to Kelly Clarkson now playing rent-free in my head.

Before diving back in, here’s a mini re-intro to The Roaring Twenties to whet your appetite – and for me to get to grips with how to write again. I’ve had a while (9 months to be precise) to reflect on how I want this blog to look. Soooo going forward, I’m gonna split my topics into the following sections – cause who doesn’t love a bit of organisation?!

  1. Tragic Tales
    Due to popular demand, I’m going to chat more about the hilariously tragic things that happen in my life. For a taster, check out my ‘tragic’ highlight on insta. From commuting chronicles to just general foolishness, these blogs will reassure anyone who feels like their life isn’t together.
  2. 30 before 30
    As I tick off the 30 things on my list, I’ll share the deets on how each one goes (gotta keep myself accountable somehow!)
  3. Small World
    I’ve spent my 20’s exploring the world. And even though COVID said “nope” to this for a little while, having a travel section in my blog was a non-negotiable.
  4. Real talk
    The place where I’ll dive into difficult, honest and sometimes uncomfortable topics. These blogs will cover deep stuff, the conversations that are tough to have & the things we’re starting to unpick in our 20’s.

So there you have it – The Roaring Twenties 2.0.

Hands up who’s in?!

Until next time readers,


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