Introducing… The 30 Before 30 Bucket List.

Introducing… The 30 Before 30 Bucket List.

Ever since I can remember, I wanted to travel to Australia. When I was younger, my grandparents went to Sydney for a family wedding and came back with stories of kangaroos, the outback & Uluru (Ayers Rock). They told tales, shared photographs and kept in close contact with the Pragnells – our family who emigrated over there. I couldn’t wait to explore the country for myself.

So in 2017, after spending a full year living the dream in the land of Aus, I returned home and thought…what next?

I’ve always been someone who is constantly excited for the next adventure, holiday or event. But for the first time, I didn’t have a clue what to do next. So I sat down at my kitchen table and wrote down all the things that I wanted to achieve in my twenties. And, just like that, my list was born…

30 before 30 – Thirty things that I want to achieve before my thirtieth birthday.

So now, as my 26th birthday rapidly approaches – yikes! – I thought I’d share my list with the world (or whoever reads this blog). My plan is to write a blog for each of the 30 things once I complete them. Why? Well, not only will it keep me accountable for completing all 30 things, but I thought it’d be kinda cool to have something to look back on once I hit the big three-o.

So here it goes – this is my 30 before 30 list.

As I started to finalise my list, I could see that each goal naturally fitted into one of 6 sections: adventure, events, fitness, health & wellbeing, travel, creativity and charity. Obviously, this is super personal to me (eating vegan for 30 days may not be everyone’s cup of tea) but I’d advise anyone reading this blog to give it a go for yourselves, even if it isn’t as structured as this. It can really open your eyes to what you genuinely like doing & just how much you could achieve in your twenties!

If I’ve inspired you in any way to create your own list, here are a few things that I learnt along the way:

1. You may have more than 30 things.

I ended up writing about 50 goals at first but managed to get it down by thinking – do I ACTUALLY want to do all of these? Like do I really want to run a marathon – absolutely not – so that got KB’d. My advice would be to go crazy with a pen and paper, jotting down all sorts of ideas, but then take a step back to consider whether you actually want to do them & if they’re actually all achievable.

2. Find a way to document your achievements.

Now in true Lauren Rosegreen style, I’ve created a scrapbook for all of the photos and memorable items (show tickets etc) that I collect while completing my list. Oh, and I’m writing these blogs. But whatever way you want to document it, It’ll 100% be worth the effort so that you can look back in years time on how unreal your 20’s were.

3. Have fun with it!

It’s not supposed to be a school assignment, more a way of putting things into perspective and giving you things to look forward to it. At the end of the day, we’ll never get to live out 20’s again – so why not spend these years doing all the things you really want to do?

I can’t wait to share my 30 before 30 journey with you all & look forward to hearing from those of you who create your own lists too!

Until next time readers,

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