5 Reasons Why You Should Go on an Australian WHV in Your 20’s.

5 Reasons Why You Should Go on an Australian WHV in Your 20’s.

G’day cobber!
Anyone who knows me will agree that I never stop going on about Australia. The country has my heart, what can I say? But being in lockdown has made me realise, more than ever, just how important travel is. So I’m going to attempt to convey in words why everyone should go on a WHV while they’re in their 20’s.

Disclaimer- I am the worst surfer in the history of surfing.


WHV = Working Holiday Visa.
A Visa that allows you to work and travel in Australia for 1 year.

Aussie slang for mate/friend.

1. The East Coast Trip.

Me jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet – cause East Coast Trip life yano.

This list is starting strong with what I think is the best way to see what Australia has to offer. The East Coast trip which deserves – and will rightly get – a blog of it’s own, is something everyone should see in their lives. Most people make their own way between Melbourne & Cairns, visiting wherever suits them along the way.

Here’s where we went:

Sydney – Byron Bay – Surfers Paradise – Noosa – Brisbane – Fraser Island – Whitsundays – Magnetic Island – Mission Beach – Cairns (flew to Melbourne to settle).

Those of you who haven’t been to Aus yet are likely to have skim read that list, eager to get to the next exciting bit of reading (slight presumption that my blog’s are exciting, but I’ve gotta back myself right?) But for me and so many others who strapped on a backpack and conquered the East Coast, each place conjures up a memory of someone we met, a stunning view we saw or a delicious meal from a local place we ate in. The East Coast trip is the perfect way to get a snippet of what ‘Straya has to offer and I honestly think it should be on everyones bucket list.

2. The Weather.

So you know these past few weeks in England where it’s been really sunny and everyone is in a better mood? Well Australia is like that the whole year round. Okay, so maybe not in Melbourne, where you can get all 4 seasons in a day, but generally speaking, good weather is pretty reliable.

Now you may be thinking, so what? I can pop to Barca on a cheap RyanAir flight and get my fix of sun, so why should I spend my money travelling to the other side of the world?

The answer is simple.

Living somewhere with sunny weather for a whole year changed my entire outlook on life. Our generation want more from life than to live for the weekends, and the working holiday visa is all about having a work life balance (the title ‘working holiday’ kinda gives that away I guess). For me, the WHV reaffirmed that the mundane routine of a 9-5 job, going straight home, watching TV & heading to bed exhausted, isn’t where I see my life going. With longer days and better weather, I’d finish work and head straight to the beach to meet my friends or the park to read in the sun. As much as I love a cheap trip to Barca, it just doesn’t compare to the way Australia opened my eyes to how I want to live my life.

3. The Wildlife.

Hands up who reads the word Australia and instantly thinks of man-eating spiders and venomous snakes?!

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret here, it’s unlikely that you’ll come across wildlife like this in the popular Australian cities, which is where you’re likely to settle on your WHV. With over 7,000 mammals that are native and only exist in Australia (don’t @ me on accurate figures, this is what Google told me), there’s so much more than the spiders you see on those mad YouTube vids. From the penguins in St Kilda, Melbourne, to kangaroos which you’ll find pretty much anywhere in the suburbs, you’ll guaranteed to fall in love with Australian wildlife.

I’ve never really been much of an animal person, but seeing a duck-billed platypus with my own eyes was unreal! My favourite spot for wildlife was Magnetic Island, where koalas roam the trees and you can get up close and personal with wild wallabies.

As you’ll know from the news, Australia had horrific wildfires at the start of the year that devastated the bush and killed thousands of animals. Many people who have been on a WHV in the past came together to support and donate towards restoration efforts. Why? I believe it’s because Australia does everything possible to protect its own species and once you’ve witnessed how incredible these animals are, you’ll do everything you can to help preserve it for others.

4. Coffee & Brunch Spots.

Once you’ve read this and instantly apply for an Australian WHV – because why on earth wouldn’t you – you’ll probably look into where you could live. Obviously the country is absolutely massive, but generally, most people on a WHV make the decision to settle in Sydney or Melbourne.

I’m going to be real with you here. You’re either one or the other. No floating in the middle. I’ve always said that that Sydney is like London, and Melbourne more like Manchester. So without a doubt I was (and will always be) a Melbourne gal.

Now all of the Sydney fanatics will argue against what I’m about to say but – Melbourne has the best brunch and coffee places in not only Australia, but the world. It’s a big statement, I know. But when you get there & head to your local café, you’ll know I’m not wrong.

Peach and Avocado bruschetta, I mean come on – how unreal does that look?

Chapel Street is one of my favourite places in Melbourne. A long row of independent cafes bars and brunch spots, you can walk into any one and not be disappointed. Speakeasy was a particular favourite of mine as the coffee, wine and mac & cheese were to die for (yeah I’m lactose intolerant but I’m only human).

One thing I will say, is that Melbourne coffee will ruin coffee for you. Once you’ve tasted it there, it’s no where near as good anywhere else.

5. The People.

Though the phrase “you’ll make friends for life” is so cliche that it makes me cringe from every part of my body, it couldn’t be more true.

WHV’s are popular and easily granted to people from most European countries, so you’ll meet loads of like-minded people on your trip. Whether boozy bingo at Base hostel is your thing, or you’d prefer to go for a 5am hike to watch the sunrise, you’ll find loads of people who wanna do similar things to you on their WHV.

One piece of advice I’d give is to meet some Aussies! One of my best mates Madi – who I’m still close to now – is Australian, and she introduced me to loads of local food spots & places to get great wine. Brits are great and all, but don’t get stuck in one place for the whole year where the only people you meet are from your own country (yes that was aimed at you St Kilda).

Madi & I meeting up in New York a year later (on the Met steps of course).

That was actually so hard narrowing it down to just 5 things. Nightlife, wine, beaches the list could go on! But don’t you worry, this isn’t my last blog about ‘Straya. I can promise you that much.

If you ever want to know more about WHV’s, hit me up! I am always keen to chat about my favourite place in the world.

Until next time readers,

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